Our Aqeedah

Our Aqeedah

We ascribe to the 'Aqeedah and Manhaj of our Righteous Predecessors the Salafus Saalih (radhiallaahu anhum)
  • We believe that Allaah is the Lord of all creations and He controls all that exists.  
  • We believe that Allaah is the true and only God deserving of worship.
  • We believe in Allaah's perfect names and characteristics according to how it has been reported in the Glorious Quraan, the Authentic Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah and the understanding of the Salafus Saalih (radiAllaahu 'anhum); without analytical interpretation, likening Him to His creation, or distorting the meanings of His names and characteristics.
  • We believe in all of the books that were revealed by Allaah in their original form.
  • We believe that the Glorious Quraan is the speech of Allaah, it is not created.
  • We believe in all of the Messengers and we do not differentiate between them, as they were all righteous, upright and the best of mankind.
  • We believe that obedience to the final Messenger Muhammad (sallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) and loving him more than any of Allaah's creation is obligatory for all Muslims.
  • We believe that Eemaan consists of belief in the heart, affirmation of the tongue and actions of the limbs. We also believe that Eemaan increases and decreases. It increases with obedience to Allaah and it decreases with disobedience to Allaah.
  • We believe in the Angels, and that they are servants that are always in obedience to Allaah.
  • We believe in the preordainment of all affairs the good and the bad of it.
  • We believe in the return of Eesaa (Jesus) as a leader of the Believers.
  • We believe that those who are righteous will be rewarded in their graves, and those who are not righteous will be punished in their graves.
  • We believe in resurrection after death and the Day of Judgment.
  • We believe in intercession on the Day of Judgment.
  • We believe that the Believers will see their Lord in the hereafter.
  • We believe in the scale that will be used to weigh mankind and their deeds on the Day of Judgment.
  • We do not pronounce disbelief on a Muslim because of his/her sins.
  • We do not believe in revolting against the Muslim rulers.
  • We do not believe in division and, we believe that coming together should be based upon Tawheed, and the Quraan and Sunnah according to the understanding of our Righteous Predecessors (radiAllaahu 'anhum).

[sourced  from RawdatulIlm]