Our Aqeedah

Thursday, July 22, 2010

For how long shall we sleep, Oh Muslims?

Bismillaahi ar-Rahmaani Ar-Raheem
Alhamdulillaah, wasalaatu wasalaamu ‘alaa Rasoolillaah, wa ba’d:
Today, amongst the youth and other then them we have observed an unfortunate trend. We chase after certain things that do not concern us, while we shirk our basic duties as Muslims. We are content with our state, thinking that we have reached a level where, MashaAllah, we are better than others and our knowledge is complete. SubhanAllah, little do we understand that as you learn more about this beautiful deen, you realize how you actually know nothing  at all. You realize you are the most jaahil of jaahils and that your self-satisfaction was and is baseless.
During discussions, the Salafi youth often throw around terms such as “refutation” (in all its grammatical forms). Allah azza wajal  knows how weary I’ve become of this term and it’s over-use. Yes, we should steer clear of ahlul bid’ah, yes we should watch who we take our knowledge from. That is nothing new to anybody. But why does everyone feel the need to always make this the topic of discussion? Have we nothing better to talk about then other people’s Aqeedah? Are their ideologies being shoved down our very throats that it seems to be all we can talk about? The only obligation these people have on us is naseeha. If sincere naseeha has been given to them based on Qur’aan and sunnah, then leave them be. Let the scholars of jarh wa ta’deel do their job. They warn you against certain people, you take their advice on board, and you leave it at that. These drawn out discussions where everybody has something to say (which is nothing at all) are a waste of everyone’s time. I  would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that despite your differences, you are dealing with Muslims here, not kafirs. And Muslims have rights over each other.  We know that RasoolAllah  صلى الله عليه وسلم said that "The Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.” It’s one thing to warn and be warned about the ideologies of certain speakers (without obsessing over it), but let’s not attack other things about them as well because on Yowmul Qiyaamah they sure will have a lot of ajar coming to them.
All that time you spent speaking of Fulan ibn Fulan, you could have memorized a page of Qur’aan, could have helped your parents and family members that have a haqq over you, could have cleaned the masaajid that are so badly in need of cleaning.  But we insist on wasting our time, strutting about like a peacock in all its boldness. And for what? Have we ourselves been promised Jannah that we have so much time and words to waste? No, I didn’t think so.
We need to wake up from our deep slumber, Oh Muslims! Our hearts are not getting any softer, and the Day of Reckoning is only drawing nearer.
Where is the Qur’aan? Have we all memorized the book of Allah ta’aala from cover to cover? Have we put into practice every verse we have learned? We have so much we need to do, and so little time, and even less understanding.
From Ibn 'Abbaas (radiyallaahu 'anhumaa) who said that Allaah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: There are two blessings which many people lose: health and free time. Reported by al-Bukharee.

 For our priorities to be so bent out of shape, there is a more fundamental issue that needs to be addressed which is the issue of time. Priorities not being in order illustrate a lack of understanding that one has no time to lose. Only someone who believes they have forever to live has no sense of priority. It’s like putting on your shoes before your clothes are even on. Anybody that looks at you will think you’ve gone insane. Little do we realize this is the very same situation except that  its insanity is manifested mentally rather than physically apparent.   
I’m not expecting a Muslim utopia, as this is only dunya and one will never be completely satisfied in this wretched place, but let us at least be civil towards one another bi idnillaah. And more importantly, let us focus on our own faults before running to proclaim the faults of others.
I speak to myself before anyone else. Whatever good I have said is from Allah subaana wa ta’aala, and anything wrong is from myself and the shaytaan.    
Subhaana Rabbika Rabbil ‘izzati ‘ammaa yasifuun. Wasalaamun ‘alal Mursaleena wal hamdulillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen.


  1. BarakAllaahu feekee ukhtee qaliyyah, for this is something we were in need of for more than just a while now may Allaah aza wa jall' just let us be of those who don't waste out time and know our priorities alhummaa ameen thummaa ameen !

    And may Allaah subhanaahu wa ta'alaa make you of those who have understanding of their deen to the tee, keeping you stead fast upon the path of true understanding alhummaa ameen thummaa ameen !

    Saxibaatihi Umm Sireen'

  2. Btw, very well written maa shaa Allaah :]

    Umm Sireen'

  3. Asalamu alayki warahmatullaah

    Wa feeki barakAllah my dear sister. Ameen to your du'aa <3

  4. Wa alayaki musalam wa ramatuallahi wa barakatu,
    maash-Allah tabarakallah very well spoken,truly this is a great problem amongst the youth,May allah heal our hearts and make us serve him in all affairs, Ameen thumaa ameen,keep up the great work looking forward to more.

    Your sister forever and always,
    Umm Hanbal

  5. Jazakillaahu Kheyr for your kind words habibti, ameen to your du'aa and may He azza wajal grant you what you ask of Him. xx

  6. Salaam Aleykum warahmatulah wabarakatu,

    im jusst blow away mashaAllaah...first where do i even, get updates..u know subscribe..sign me up...

  7. wa alaykum asalaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

    Jazakallahu kheyr Umm T.. ummm I have no clue how subscribing works on this thing. I gave up trying to look for it a while ago.. I know you can follow a blog but I'm not sure how it works with wordpress *confused*.
