Our Aqeedah

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Indeed to Him we Return

as salaam alaykum,

The eyes shed tears, there is sadness and grief in the heart, but we only say things pleasing to our Lord. Indeed we are saddened by the passing away of our brother Sa’eed al-Habashi as-Salafee, rahimahullaah.

“Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon.”
“Indeed to Allaah we belong and to Him we shall return.”

Allaah, the Most Perfect and the Most High, said,
 “And give glad tidings to the patient – those who, when afflicted with a calamity, say ‘Indeed to Allaah we belong and to Him we shall return.’ It is those who will be rewarded with blessings and mercy from their Lord. And it is those who are the guided ones.”
(Al-Baqarah 2:155-157)

Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu ‘alayhi wassallam) said: “To Allaah belongs what He took, and to Him belongs what He gave. Everything is recorded with him for an appointed term..” (Ahkaamul-Janaa’iz of Al-Albaanee)

This is the brother who is responsible for where I am in the Jamia and for the rest of the Canadian brothers (who got accepted after me and Mahmood) today through assisting us with his time and hospitality. Aiding us with paper applications and translations for the jamia and after we got accepted guiding us with the processes, etc. There was no one like him who aided us in our life in Madinah with everything he possessed. There are brothers who are still in the waiting list to be accepted through his assistance. And we thank Allaah for bestowing us this brother. Harsh for our own khayr in our studies and sittings of the scholars of the Sunnah. I’ve known this brothers since 1998….to be frank, he was the brother that most of us used to under estimate (in Toronto) in the past, but he pulled it through with his sincerity, inshallaah, finding the truth and sticking to it, and clinging to the scholars who know until they befriend him, wal-Hamdulilah. We, the Canadian Salafee brothers, will be here as his Sadaqatu Jariyyaah. One of the most caring and courtous brother I have ever met. He will be remembered from all the Salafiyoon in the Jamia and outside of the Jamia for his khayr.
He is Sa’eed a-Habashi. I pray that Sa’eed al-Habashi as-Salafee is from those whom Allaah loves to meet. In all the time I have known him, I have never seen from him except truthfulness, bravery, honesty, love for the da’wah and its preservation, hatred of that which opposed the Sunnah, he despised liars and loved the people of Sunnah. He never spoke in front of people except that you sensed that he must have thought for many hours before hand. He was wise and trustworthy, never deceptive. There was no hypocrisy in his behaviour, he meant what he said and from what I knew of him, he acted in accordance to his knowledge. He loved his wife and family. Whenever a person was in his presence, he would make you feel comfortable to the extent that one would feel as if he was from his closest companions. He was never afraid to speak the truth and clarify the Salafi manhaj. He was my friend, my brother, my advisor and by Allaah, I will miss him and his company. And we do not glorify anyone beyond or more than Allaah.

I pray to my Lord, Allaah, the Most Merciful, Oft-Forgiving that He showers His Mercy upon my brother Sa’eed al-Habashi as-Salafee and that He eases the pain and the grief of his wife and daughter. Aameen.

Your brother in Islaam,

Aboo Sufyaan Muhammad


Ameen yaa rabbal 'aalameen! May Allah ta'aala widen the grave of this brother, forgive his sins, and show him mercy. May Allah ta'aala cause all his righteous actions to be a continuing source of sadaqah jaariyyah for him. And May he subhaana wa ta'aala have mercy on his wife, whom he left behind, and keep her steadfast in showing patience in the face of great calamity, which she has already shown thus far maasha'Allah tabaarakAllah. Allahuma Ameen.


  1. asalaamu 'alayki,

    was this Umm Aasiyah's husband?

  2. wa 'alayki salaam ukhti, 3afwan I am not entirely sure what the sisters name was. All that had reached me is the name of the brother, Allah yarhamh.
